Design Laboratory

Edition: Winter semester 2022/2023.

The Design Laboratory is a course where you have to establish a team, propose the design, and realize it. The main focus of this course is not the design itself, but the labor around the project. You will have to plan how to split and organize the work in the team, keep a log of your tasks, and document your work progress. The design itself is a secondary objective, but a wise design choice is crucial for a smooth journey through the semester.

During the coursework you will be required to use following software tools as a part of your workflow:

If you are attending this course, please read this whole page carefully. In the case of any ambiguity in the content, it will be discussed at the introductory meeting.

Table of content

  1. Design Laboratory
  2. Staff
    1. Office hours & e-mails
  3. Organization
    1. Introductory meeting
    2. Proposal working meetings
    3. Project meetings
    4. Schedule
  4. Grading policy
  5. Honor code
  6. Team formation
  7. Project details
    1. Design expectations
    2. Proposal
    3. Work progress
    4. Individual coefficient
    5. Result
    6. Report
  8. Template
  9. FAQ
  10. Changelog


The laboratory staff consists of one lab instructor that will supervise you during the project. The table below lists the information about the laboratory staff as well the contact information.

rolenameroomoffice hourse-mail address
lab instructorSzymon WoźniakC2-420Wednesday, 10:30 -

Office hours & e-mails

If you are interested in attending office hours, please announce yourself one day earlier by sending an e-mail to the laboratory instructor. In the e-mail message, you should specify the aim of your visit by briefly describing your concerns, problems, et cetera.

You must tag the e-mail message by adding the following string [design-lab] at the beginning of the e-mail's subject. Example subject: [design-lab] Konsultacje na temat różnic w fazie.

Note that for any correspondence with the laboratory staff, you should use your student e-mail provided by the university. The laboratory staff does not reply to messages from domains other than *


In this section, you will find some details about laboratory organization. There are 14 meetings in the semester and three types of them. Types are as follows Introductory meetings, Proposal working meetings, and Project meetings. Most of them are in the form of consultations, where students discuss their project progress with the instructor. In the following parts of this section, there is a short description of each meeting type. Lastly, the schedule of laboratory meetings is presented.

Introductory meeting

The introductory meeting consists of two parts. The first one makes an overview and discussion of the organization of the lab, the grading policy, and the work organization during the semester. Next, we will talk about design expectations. The second part of this meeting will shortly discuss a version control system (git) and a simple project management system embedded within gitea, which teams will use during the semester.

This meeting is in the form of a seminar.

Proposal working meetings

These two meetings are in the form of seminars or consultations with the laboratory instructor. The meetings aim to help students prepare a suitable project proposal.

Students should come to this meeting with preliminary design ideas they would like to implement in this course. The design ideas will be presented by students and discussed in the group. It is recommended for preformed teams to prepare a draft version of the project proposal document.

Each student is committed to attending at least one of the two Proposal working meetings. Students are required to register in advance for each meeting. The laboratory instructor will communicate at the Introductory meeting the registration method.

Project meetings

Project meetings are weekly meetings of the project team with the instructor to discuss progress, plan the immediate steps, or consult. Meetings are individual per team. Since the meeting duration might be relatively short, teams should be well-prepared.

Each team is committed to attending at least eight of the eleven Proposal working meetings. Teams are required to register in advance for each meeting. The laboratory instructor will communicate at the Introductory meeting the registration method.


The winter semester consists of 17 weeks. It allows us to realize all planned (14) meetings. The first meeting focuses on the introduction and organization. Next two will concern project proposal. The remaining meetings are allocated for the project meetings. Additionally, the following notation was applied for dates:

WeekLab nrDateSubject
01012022.10.03Introductory meeting
02022022.10.10Proposal working meeting#01
03032022.10.17Proposal working meeting#02
04042022.10.24Project meeting#01
05-~~2022.10.31~~No classes due to academic year schedule
06052022.11.07Project meeting#02
07062022.11.14Project meeting#03
08072022.11.21Project meeting#04
09082022.11.28Project meeting#05
10092022.12.05Project meeting#06
11102022.12.12Project meeting#07
12112022.12.19Project meeting#08
13-~~2022.12.26~~Winter holidays
14-~~2023.01.02~~No classes due to the rector's directive.
15122023.01.09Project meeting#9
16132023.01.16Project meeting#10
17142023.01.23Project meeting#11

Grading policy

The laboratory uses a standard university grading scale, beginning with 2.0 as a failing grade and passing grades from 3.0 to 5.0 with a progression of 0.5. It progressively denotes students’ performance from satisfactory to very good. The final laboratory grade is calculated based on the grade coefficient σ\sigma. In the following paragraphs, you will learn how to calculate this coefficient and the final laboratory grade.

During the semester, you will acquire points for performing graded tasks. The table below lists grade segments and deadlines.

iiGrade segmentSegment scopeψi \psi_i Ωi\Omega_iDeadline
1ProposalTeam0.10 0.10 1023.10.2022
2Work progressTeam0.15 0.15 5-
3Individual coefficientIndividual0.25 0.25 14-
4Project resultTeam0.25 0.25 5012.02.2023
5Project reportTeam0.25 0.25 4012.02.2023

The contribution of the ithi^{\text{th}} segment to the grade coefficient σ\sigma is given by ψi\psi_i, while Ωi \Omega_i denotes the maximal amount of points of the ithi^{\text{th}} segment. The assessment of the whole project is divided into five separate segments. Each segment is either in individual or team scope. The points within individual segments are assigned to each student and are based on individual performance. So as a result, each person within a team can obtain a different amount of points in those segments. On the other hand, points within team segments should be a result of collaborative effort and therefore each person within the team will receive the same amount of points. Deadlines are strict and exceeding the deadline is penalized by halving the points per each day of being late. The laboratory grade coefficient σ\sigma is calculated as weighted arithmetic mean using the following formula

σ=P(i=15ωiΩiψi)(i=15ψi)1, \sigma = \left\lfloor P \cdot \left( \sum_{i=1}^{5} \frac{\omega_i}{\Omega_i} \cdot{} \psi_i \right) \cdot \left( \sum_{i=1}^{5} \psi_i \right)^{-1} \right\rfloor ,

where \lfloor \cdot \rfloor is the floor operator, ωi \omega_i denotes the number of points that the student got from ithi^{\mathrm{th}} segment, and PP is a grade coefficient. The value of the grading coefficient is 0<P1000 < P \le 100, and it's set based on the project proposal.

Each team must submit a proposal, a result, and a report to be eligible for a passing grade.

The final laboratory grade is strictly determined by a grade coefficient σ\sigma and the table below presents the dependency between the final laboratory grade and a grade coefficient.

jjFinal GradeInterval
12.0σ(,50) \sigma \in (-\infty, 50)
23.0σ[50,60) \sigma \in [50, 60)
33.5σ[60,70) \sigma \in [60, 70)
44.0σ[70,80) \sigma \in [70, 80)
54.5σ[80,90) \sigma \in [80, 90)
65.0σ[90,+) \sigma \in [90, +\infty)

The grading scale is the same as the AGH's study regulations require (article 13, "SKALA OCEN").

Honor code

You can use any books, papers, references, and publicly available implementations for ideas and code that you may want to incorporate into your project. However, you must clearly cite all your sources in your write up and source code. Under no circumstances are you allowed to look at another group’s code or incorporate their code into your project.

The project must be a result of work done by the team. Contributions of third-party are not allowed.

If you are combining your project with the project from another course, you must receive permission from the laboratory instructor. In addition, you must provide:

Team formation

The project must be realized as a collaborative effort within a group of students. The permissible number of students in a team is up to four people, while the recommended number of students in a team is two people. The team should be formed by students with similar knowledge, technical skills, and coinciding design idea.

The number of students in a team should be appropriately matched to the workload that design requires. Keep in the mind that the larger the team, the more time will be needed to organize its work. Also, it will be more difficult to organize work well and efficiently.

The official team formation is done by sending a project proposal to the lab instructor.

Project details

In this section, you can find details about expectations from particular project segments.

Design expectations

Teams are free to choose a subject of their design as they please. However, there are some constraints.

First and foremost, each design must solve some practical problem using engineering techniques. The outcome of the project must be evaluable in a well-defined, repeatable, and deterministic way. For example, designing an aesthetically pleasing user interface for some tool, where aesthetics are paramount, will be not a good design idea. In contrast, designing an ergonomic user interface that provides specific functionality sounds better, and its aesthetics may be an advantage.

Secondly, the design should be simple, since the team must complete it within one semester. The total workload per team member to complete assigned work is about 75 working hours. Note that this does not imply that the project design can be trivial. It is advised to use or combine at least a few engineering techniques in your project.

Note that any two teams must not carry out the same design.


The project proposal is a document that tells what you are planning to do for the project. It introduces and discusses the design idea, formalizes the subject of your project, set your goals, and organizes your work. The potential reader of the proposal should acquire a good understanding of your design idea and the plan for its realization. The proposal must be no longer than six double-column pages with a font size of 10pt, and it must be written in the English language. It is required to use a specific template for the document.

A well-written proposal should include the information listed below but is not necessarily limited to:

The organization of this document is at the discretion of the team and does not need to be done in the above order. However, the specified pieces of information are necessary and should be included.

The complete proposal should be sent to the lab instructor via e-mail massage by the deadline. The deadline for the proposal can be checked in the table, in Section Grading policy. The file format of the document must be Portable Document Format (PDF). Other formats are not accepted and will be automatically rejected.

As a result, the team will obtain proposal coefficient ω1\omega_1 and proposed project grade coefficient PP. The proposal will be graded according to the following criterion:

Work progress

The work progress segment corresponds to the overall realization of the project plan and consistency of the work throughout the semester It takes into account how well the team is able to:

Be aware that productivity is usually inversely related to the time until the deadline. So try to not fall into Student's Syndrome.

Individual coefficient

Regardless of the overall team performance and the result, each team member undergoes an additional individual assessment during the semester. The individual coefficient corresponds to the individual contributions of the team member to the project. The assessment is based on commitment, contributions, quality of contributions, activity during laboratory meetings, and how well and clear a team member presents carried out contributions.

It is important to state by each team member their incremental contributions to the project during the laboratory meetings. The discussion should concern what was done and how. Under no circumstances should fail to complete tasks be left out of the discussion. As a matter of fact, failures should be even more thoroughly discussed than successes.

Keep in mind that it is important to divide the work more or less equally among all members of the team so that everyone can prove themselves.


The result is the outcome of the project. It is a realization of the design idea from the project proposal. There are no direct requirements listed here since it's the team who puts most constraints on the design in the project proposal. The most important question is whether the project meets the design objectives, and it's the core for assessing the result. Further evaluation of the outcome will depend on the nature of the project itself. The identified issues in the result will further affect the assessment.

It is highly recommended to maintain the quality and clarity of the project during implementation. Plan the structure of the project so that it makes logical sense. Use meaningful names in your project so that a bystander doesn't have to guess too much about what a particular element or variable is used for. Provide short auxiliary comments in your project so that one can deduce more quickly what a given block implements.

The team should make available the result to the lab instructor by the deadline. The deadline for the result can be checked in the table, in Section Grading policy. The team may be requested to present and discuss the result in person after submission if the assessment requires it.


The report is a summary of your design idea and a description of the result that team produced. The main aim of the report is to introduce the potential and not familiarized reader to the problem, approaches to solve it, and evaluation of those approaches. It should also be a kind of own work review. Remember that the report should be neutral about the project. Reject the idea that you did the project and don't be afraid to criticize things that you think require it. Keep in mind that the report is not detailed documentation of the project describing every functionality. The write up should be self-contained and be structured similarly to a conference or journal paper. The report must be no longer than 15 double-column pages with a font size of 10pt, and it must be written in the English language. It is required to use a specific template for the document.

The following is just a suggestion for the scheme of the report, but it should be a good starting point for most projects:

The description of each bullet point is a suggestion of what is expected, but it should not limit the content of the report. Since it's the team's burden to write a report up, the team has the right to compose the report in another more suitable manner for the project. Keep in mind that a well-written proposal is a great starting point.

The report should be sent to the lab instructor via e-mail massage by the deadline. The deadline can be checked in the table, in Section Grading policy. The file format of the document must be Portable Document Format (PDF). Other formats are not accepted and will be automatically rejected.

As a result, the team will obtain coefficient ω5\omega_5. The report will be graded according to the following distribution:


The documents each team has to prepare must use a specific template, i.e., the project proposal and the final report. Currently, the only accepted template is the so-called IEEEtran, a template created by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) for some IEEE journals.

Templates that you must use are available here. Please do not use others. Two template file formats are available:

When preparing the document, do not forget about:

It's highly recommended to use LaTeX\LaTeX for the best quality of typesetting. Citing:

LaTeX is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features designed for the production of technical and scientific documentation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication and publication of scientific documents.

Preparing the environment on your computer to create documents using LaTeX is not difficult. Yet, it requires a moment if you are doing it for the first time. On the other hand, you can use Overleaf, a cloud-based service for the preparation of the LaTeX\LaTeX documents in a collaborative manner. The university provides access to its paid features. More information about it can be found here. To access your University's account at Overleaf, you have to sign in by the Institutional Login page with your student's credentials.


If you have any question that is not listed below, feel free to message laboratory staff.
